Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Reaction Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 2

Reaction Paper - Essay Example For example, an increase in revenues translates to the decline in the average unemployment rate. Next, the economic environment indicates an increase in the employment statistics translates to higher demand for houses, raising the average price of houses. Two take-aways. I have gained a firm inside on the economic principle of supply and demand. As the demand for the company’s products increase, the company can hire additional employees to fill the needs of the growing customers. As the employment increases, there is a corresponding increase in the demand for several goods and services. To supply the increasing demand, more news companies crop up. Further, my thoughts focus on the economic principle of supply and demand. To set up a business, I must first find a demand. Next, I will supply the products or services that will fill the customers’ requests. As the sales catapult to more profitable levels, I have to hire more workers to fill the increasing customers’ needs and wants. This is the essence of the economic supply and demand theory. A company that does not generate profits will be forced to close shop. Consequently, the retrenched employees will join the current long line of unemployment list. Reading 2: Shelley Kimelberg, â€Å"Inside the growth Machine: Real Estate Professionals on the Perceived Challenges of Urban Development Shelley McDonough Kimelberg , City & Community, 20 (2011): p 76-99 Reference Summary. The above article states that the growth machine framework proposes that the cooperative efforts of the elites significantly contribute implementation of policies and processes that contribute to the local community’s economic growth. The research focused on the real estate professionals. The findings include some constraints to full economic development. The constraints include reelection of the local politicians, municipal development officers’ economic priorities,

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